
EFT Case Story: Bite the Positives!

When working with EFT and children, a different way of working is often required. In this mini case story, Nell Mezir details a case were she used EFT to help a 9 year old boy who was biting his nails. After using a gentle approach, a little laughter and being mindful of the language used, a traumatic event is revealed.  Read on for the full story...

The Energist - Vol 2014.1.1 - Voyager

Summer 2014 edition of The Energist magazine.

Energy EFT Master Practitioner

BIG +10 congratulations to Nelly Mezir for completing Energy EFT Master Practitioner with GoE trainer Silvia Hartmann!

EMO Practitioner

BIG +10 congratulations to Nelly Mezir for completing EMO Practitioner with GoE trainer Silvia Hartmann!